Holy Mass with a Congregation


With great joy, and some trepidation, and while taking “small steps” we are now able to announce that we can re-open our church for the celebration of Holy Mass with a congregation to begin on Friday 10th July 2020 at 9.30am in line with guidelines received from our Government and the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England.  A summary of which is set out below:

Click Here for the latest message from the Metropolitan Archbishops of the Catholic Church in England.

  • In the Government document Guidance for the safe use of places of worship from 4 July, published on the 29 June, reference was made to the ‘NHS Test and Trace service’ which has been set up ‘…to manage the risk of the virus re-emerging.’ This states: ‘…In line with other government guidance for other venues … you should assist this service [NHS Test and Trace] by keeping an accurate temporary record of visitors for 21 days, in a way that is manageable for your place of worship, and assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed for contact tracing and the investigation of local outbreaks.’
  • Two ways in which this will be done in our church: Print a Track and Trace Card out and bring it filled in every time you come for Mass and leave it in the box provided at the entrance to the church. Our stewards will ask you to show them your completed card. If you have not got a card with you, our stewards will ask you to provide your full name and a way of contacting you, (i.e.: Phone number, or email, or postal address). This information will be kept by the parish for 21 days and destroyed afterwards. This information has to be completed for you to enter the church. Thank you for your co-operation with our stewards.
  • The first Holy Mass with a congregation will be celebrated in church on Friday 10th July at 9.30 am and thereafter on Sundays from the 12th July to begin with at 8.30am. 
  • Masses will also be celebrated at 9.30 am weekdays on Thursday 16th and Friday 17th July 2020, and Thursdays and Fridays thereafter.
  • Eventually, it would be good to be able to offer a 09:30 Holy Mass every day of the week, and, if there is an evident need for it,  two Holy Masses on Saturday evening, and in addition to the two proposed on Sunday, i.e.: 8:30am and 10:00am via ZOOM a Third Holy Mass on Sundays.
  • The SUNDAY OBLIGATION / PRECEPT IS STILL SUSPENDED at this time and the Archbishops are encouraging those who can attend Holy Mass on a weekday.
  • Please Enter the church through the MAIN HALL DOORS only and exit the Church through the doors as indicated by the stewards.
  • There will always be a steward at the entrance and near the exit to remind you to sanitise your hands on entry and before exiting. They will also direct you to your seats once inside the church and during the time for Holy Communion.
  • Please always maintain 2 metres social distancing from others.
  • It is not yet compulsory for you to wear a face covering whilst in church but, if you would like to wear one, please bring your own.
  • As there is no Sunday obligation, to help us with the possible numbers of people at Mass, if you can attend Mass during the week please do so. Allow the space on the weekend for those who are working and cannot attend Mass on a weekday. If there is a need, we will look into the possibility of celebrating more Masses on a Sunday.
  • Toilet facilities will not be available.
  • There will be no access to the sacristy.
  • Please refrain from touching images and statues.
  • There will be NO Parish Mass Books, nor Mass Card, nor Hymn Books,
  • Single us sheets for responses will be available. Please take them home with you.
  • please bring your own Missals, Prayer Books, or use Universalis.com App on your “SILENCED” mobile phone.
  • There will be NO singing during Holy Mass, nor Prayer of the Faithful, nor Procession of the Gifts, and no Sign of Peace.
  • Holy Communion will be distributed “on the hand”, with hands open and flat, and arms outstretched, and you are asked to please maintain social distancing as you join the Communion Procession. Please follow the directions of the stewards.
  • Please, always follow the directions of the stewards.
  • For your weekly offering use the box/plates provided at the back of the church on your way into the church.
  • The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available by appointment only.
  • We will continue to have our 10.00am Mass by Zoom for the time being for those who cannot yet join us in church.
  • Also, the Children’s Liturgy will continue to be held by Zoom at 11.00am.

The church will be cleaned immediately after the opening time finishes.

To open the Church more often we will need more Stewards / Cleaners: If you can assist as a  steward, or a cleaner, please write an Email to the Parish Office,  or phone, stating your name, contact details, and which day(s) and times that you are available to be a steward or to help clean the church.

Thank you for your support for our Parish Family of St Mary’s, Crayford, as we make these “small steps” to returning to the full worship of God Our Father, His Son Jesus Christ, in the power and love of the Holy Spirit, and pray for the Well-being and Salvation of the world, our nations, and Crayford.  May:  St Joseph – Pray for us!  And:  St Mary of the Crays – Pray for us!

God bless, Fr David.

Please Email: crayford@rcaos.or.uk  or phone: 01322 523 492 or 07485 151159