In early April we will start a new financial year for Gift Aid. This year I am reducing the number of boxes we will be using and changing the numbers. I have also ordered boxes for those who pay by standing order for second collections.
Can I ask that all those taking part in the Gift Aid scheme either text or email me to let me know if they are able to carry on with the scheme and if they wish to pay by standing order? Once I have details of those taking part in the scheme next year, I will let you know your number so that you can get your box from Father David. If anyone wants to pay by standing order but does not want to take part in the Gift Aid scheme then please get in touch and I will supply details of the bank account.
I can be contacted:
by text on 07504 460736 (please do not phone me)
or by email on
Thank you all for your support of the Church at this time.
Richard Gillespie (Gift Aid Co-Ordinator).