Holy Week and Easter Schedule

Palm Sunday, 9th/10th April

Normal Mass times starting with a procession from the hall where palms will be blessed.

Wednesday of Holy Week, 13th April

8:30am: Holy Mass
: Chrism Mass at St. Georges Cathedral

Maundy Thursday 14th April

7:309am: Adoration, Office of Readings, Morning Prayer and Confessions
: Holy Mass of the Lords Supper with collection for Marys Meals. Blessed Sacrament to be reserved in the Tabernacle in the Altar of Repose in the Childrens Liturgy Room
: Night prayer/Compline

Good Friday 15th April

8:309:30am:Office of Readings, Morning Prayer and Confessions
: Walk of Witness starting from Crayford Baptist Church
: Celebration of the Passion of the Lord with Veneration of the Cross and collection for Holy Places.
: Stations of the Cross

Holy Saturday 16th April

7.309am: Office of Readings, Morning Prayer and Confessions
: Easter Vigil, starting outside.

Easter Sunday 17th April

7:00am: Sunrise Service in St. Paulinus Churchyard (Garden of Remembrance)
: Holy Mass
: Holy Mass

Newsletter Supplements in February

The early supplements in February included words to the hymns to be sung at the weekend Masses.  This was problematic as our CCL licence only permits paper reproduction for use in the Church.  Supplements for the last two Sundays are linked below.  The one for February 27th includes a statement from Archbishop John Wilson on the situation in Ukraine.

Newsletter Supplement Sunday 20th February 2022 7th Sunday OT (C)

Newsletter Supplement Sunday 27th February 2022 8th Sunday OT (C)