Palm Sunday, 9th/10th April
Normal Mass times starting with a procession from the hall where palms will be blessed.
Wednesday of Holy Week, 13th April
8:30am: Holy Mass
11:30am: Chrism Mass at St. George’s Cathedral
Maundy Thursday 14th April
7:30–9am: Adoration, Office of Readings, Morning Prayer and Confessions
8:00pm: Holy Mass of the Lord’s Supper with collection for Mary’s Meals. Blessed Sacrament to be reserved in the Tabernacle in the Altar of Repose in the Children’s Liturgy Room
11:45pm: Night prayer/Compline
Good Friday 15th April
8:30–9:30am:Office of Readings, Morning Prayer and Confessions
10am: Walk of Witness starting from Crayford Baptist Church
3pm: Celebration of the Passion of the Lord with Veneration of the Cross and collection for Holy Places.
7pm: Stations of the Cross
Holy Saturday 16th April
7.30–9am: Office of Readings, Morning Prayer and Confessions
8pm: Easter Vigil, starting outside.
Easter Sunday 17th April
7:00am: Sunrise Service in St. Paulinus Churchyard (Garden of Remembrance)
8.30am: Holy Mass
10.30am: Holy Mass