Our Church will be open for individual prayer on:
Thur/Fri/Sat, 25th – 27th June 2020 from 09:30 – 10:30
We need to adhere to strict guidelines, and I would appreciate you taking the time to familiarise yourself with those here:
- Church is open for individual prayer only – no group prayer allowed.
- Enter the church through the main hall doors only and exit through the fire exit doors near the organ, leading to the front lawn.
- There will always be a steward at the entrance and near the exit to remind you to sanitise your hands on entry and before exiting.
- Use the pews that have been marked out as safe spaces available and maintain social distancing of 2m from others.
- Our church has a capacity for 32 individuals or household groups at one time – stewards will ensure that people will have to wait until it is safe for them to enter once others leave. Please be patient.
- Toilet facilities will not be available.
- There will be no access to other areas of the church centre.
- Please refrain from touching images and statues.
The church will be cleaned on a daily basis immediately after the opening time finishes.
We hope to be able to open the church at other times eventually so, if you would like to volunteer as a steward/cleaner, please write an email to the parish office or phone, stating your name, contact details, and which day and times that you are available to be a steward. Thank you for your support for our Parish Family of St Mary’s, Crayford.
God bless, Fr David
Please email: crayford@rcaos.org.uk or phone: 01322 523 492, or: 074785 151 159
Sacrament of Reconciliation will only be available at the moment by appointment only. Please email or ‘phone.